河南省中东起重机器有限公司成立于2007年,注册资金800万人民币,位于河南省长垣市起重工业园区。本公司专业生产各种型号车轮组,联轴器,鼓形联轴器,卷筒组,减速机。可根据用户需求定制产品。团结、创新、务实、奋进是公司矢志不渝的追求,公司倍加珍惜每一分荣誉,坚持“质量第一,用户至上”的经营宗旨,与员工共享成功,与客户共同成长,专业化经营,产业化发展!Henan Middle East Hoisting Machinery Co., Ltd. was established in 2007 with a registered capital of 8 million yuan and is located in the Hoisting Industrial Park of Changyuan City, Henan Province. Our company specializes in producing various types of wheel sets, couplings, drum couplings, drum sets, and reducers. Products can be customized according to user needs. Unity, innovation, pragmatism and progress are the company's unswerving pursuit. The company cherishes every honor, adheres to the business purpose of "quality first, user first", shares success with employees, grows with customers, operates professionally and develops industrially!
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